Pronation Definition Anatomy
Pronation is a normal desirable and necessary component of the gait cycle. If you are walking or running the first part of your foot to hit the ground is the outside of the heel.
Pronation the act of turning to a face down prone position or of rotating the horizontal forearm so that the palm of the hand faces the ground.

Pronation definition anatomy. Freebase 000 0 votesrate this definition. Pronation definition rotation of the hand or forearm so that the surface of the palm is facing downward or toward the back opposed to supination. Noun countable and uncountable plural pronations 1.
For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation please see the entry to anatomic orientation terms. Fencing the position of the sword hand when the palm is facing down 2. If you are just standing still the foot will roll inward and the arch will flatten out this is pronation.
Pronation definition is rotation of the hand and forearm so that the palm faces backwards or downwards. Anatomy the action of rotating the forearm so that the palm. Supination definition rotation of the hand or forearm so that the palmar surface is facing upward opposed to pronation.
Rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm is down and the corresponding movement of the foot and leg with the sole down as opposed to supination. In anatomy pronation is a rotational movement of the forearm at the radioulnar joint or of the foot at the subtalar and talocalcaneonavicular joints. Pronation and supination are a pair of unique movements possible only in the forearms and hands allowing the human body to flip the palm either face up or face down.
Pronation is the first half of the stance phase whereas supination starts the propulsive phase as the heel begins to lift off the ground. The opposite movements are called supination. The muscles bones and joints of the human forearm are specifically arranged to permit these unique and important rotations of the hands.
Walking on the inner edge of the foot. For the forearm when standing in the anatomical position pronation will move the palm of the hand from an anterior facing position. Pronation is when the foot rolls inward about 15 when weight is placed on it.
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