Integument Definition Anatomy
The integument as an organ and is an alternative name for skin. Learn anatomy integument with free interactive flashcards.
Anatomy Physiology With Medical Terminology Pages 1 8
In biology integument is the natural covering of an organism or an organ such as its skin husk shell or rind.

Integument definition anatomy. It derives from integumentum which is latin for a covering. Integument in flowering plants the covering of the central tissue nucellus of the ovule that contains the embryo sac. Noun 1 anatomy the outer protective covering of the body of an organism such as cuticle fur shell rind seed coat etc.
Integument definition is something that covers or encloses. The bodily system consisting of the skin and its associated structures such as the hair nails sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Most flowering plants possess both an inner and outer integument which on hardening forms the testa of the seed.
Any covering coating enclosure etc. 2 botany the outer cell layers of the ovule enclosing the nucellus. Choose from 500 different sets of anatomy integument flashcards on quizlet.
The skin including the glands and appendages such as hair nails feathers scales horns hooves and claws. The integumentary system is the set of organs that forms the external covering of the body and protects it from many threats such as infection desiccation abrasion chemical assault and radiation damage. A natural covering as a skin shell or rind.
The integument is the bodys largest organ and accounts for 15 of body weight. An enveloping layer such as a skin membrane or cuticle of an organism or one of its parts. The integument as an organ.
Integument an outer protective covering such as the skin of an animal or a cuticle or seed coat or rind or shell. In a transferred or figurative sense it could mean a cloak or a disguise. The integumentary system includes the skin and the skin derivatives hair nails and glands.
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